Why an S and not a V?
"Why an S and not a V?" is a look at Vietnamese history, culture and food from the perspective of a Vietnamese person born out in the wider world. There's all these things my parents never told me because they were busy working and living, now I found some time to catch up on it.
This is a metamorphosis of the original Post Cerebral Infarction and Your Internet Uncle podcasts, where I tried to remember things to help me learn about my roots.
Why an S and not a V?
Soups of the North
We, to Dennis' chagrin, talk about Vietnam's most famous cuisine, phở (if I hear an Oh sound, I will hunt you down). It's origins are murky, but whether it be French, Chinese or a hybridization with local recipes, there's no denying it's significance. Ramen (a completely different type of soup, listen and learn), takes a back seat to this savoury bowl of noodles.