Why an S and not a V?
"Why an S and not a V?" is a look at Vietnamese history, culture and food from the perspective of a Vietnamese person born out in the wider world. There's all these things my parents never told me because they were busy working and living, now I found some time to catch up on it.
This is a metamorphosis of the original Post Cerebral Infarction and Your Internet Uncle podcasts, where I tried to remember things to help me learn about my roots.
Why an S and not a V?
Sounds of Saigon: Daily Rain
Season 2
Episode 17
I thought the rainy season ended after August, but that might just be true for the part of Vietnam where my dad is from. Jen tells me big heavy thunderstorms are normal in October.
Part of a series of what you can hear around Saigon (Ho Chi Minh City).